City of Roseville's Rose Parade Float  Contributor's Pick!       
As a part of its Centennial celebration, the City of Roseville, CA entered this float into the 2009 Rose Parade honoring their history as home to the large same named Union Pacific, ex Southern Pacific, nee Central Pacfiic Yard. The engine represents T1 class 4-6-0 Ten-Wheeler #2252 built by Cooke in March of 1897 as one of an order of 38, and later to be put in SP Fire Train service, protecting the Donner Pass snow sheds, before finally being retired to display in Roseville. The cars represent Pullman heavyweights of the Harriman era. This float won the 2009 Governor's Trophy for best depiction of life in California.
Date: 1/1/2009 Location: Pasadena, CA   Map Show Pasadena on a rail map Views: 1939 Collection Of:   Charles Freericks
Author:  Charles Freericks
City of Roseville's Rose Parade Float
Picture Categories: This picture is part of album:  Freericks 2009
User Comments
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bob vaughn General Thanks Charles. I missed it on TV 1/2/2009 6:01:14 PM

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